The best (and most effective) wastewater treatment methods for tannery sites

As a meat processing company, the decision to build a tannery on your site can be a strategic move. A tannery can help you make use of the by-products of your meat processing operations and generate additional revenue streams. However, one of the critical considerations when building a tannery is the treatment of tannery wastewater.

Tannery wastewater contains high levels of pollutants, including chromium, sulfides, and organic compounds.

If not adequately treated, it can cause severe environmental harm and pose health risks to humans and animals. Therefore, selecting the best treatment method for tannery wastewater is crucial.

At Waterform, we have extensive experience in designing and implementing wastewater treatment solutions for various industries, including tanneries.

Here are some of the best treatment methods for tannery wastewater:

  1. Chemical precipitation

    Chemical precipitation is a common method used to treat tannery wastewater. It involves adding chemical reagents to the wastewater to precipitate and remove pollutants. Waterform's range of coagulants and flocculants can help facilitate the precipitation of pollutants and improve the efficiency of the treatment process.

  2. Biological treatment

    Biological treatment involves the use of microorganisms to break down pollutants in the wastewater. This method is effective in removing organic compounds from tannery wastewater. Waterform's range of biological treatment solutions, such as the Biocube, can help achieve efficient and cost-effective treatment of tannery wastewater.

  3. Membrane filtration

    Membrane filtration is a physical treatment method that involves the use of membranes to remove pollutants from the wastewater. Waterform's range of membrane filtration systems, such as the ultraBiox Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) solution, can help achieve high levels of pollutant removal from tannery wastewater.

  4. Advanced oxidation

    Advanced oxidation is a chemical treatment method that involves the use of powerful oxidizing agents to break down pollutants. This method is effective in removing recalcitrant organic compounds from tannery wastewater. Waterform's range of advanced oxidation solutions, such as the Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP), can help achieve high levels of pollutant removal and meet stringent discharge limits.

If your company is considering installing a tannery process on an existing or greenfield site, don’t hesitate to reach out to Waterform’s experienced team for a concept wastewater design which delivers an end-to-end solution.


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